Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Important Information!!!

A few items of interest for Room 308 families...as you all know from the notice that went home about two weeks back, tomorrow is our Rocks and Rings curling workshop. I am concerned that only 10 out of 28 students have brought in their toonie to pay for this activity. Please send in payment with your child if you have not already done so.

Thursday is the Alternative Sports Day at Summit. We leave at 9:20 to walk over, and need volunteers for the walk there and back (we leave summit around 1:30).

The second segment of our Photography workshop is starting this week. We had three hands on sessions in the fall, with students getting to learn about cameral settings, lighting, setting up shots, etc, and then shooting hundreds of shots in and around the school.

For this segment our class is doing a reflective piece of journalism through the eye of the camera.

Our recycled fashion show, weather permitting, will take place Friday during first recess, outside, on the deck. It should be an exciting show, with students showing off their creativity, and style.

Chalk festival is next Monday, with our class organizing, and hosting the event, as well as providing some of the musical accompaniment (ask them about the clapping and stomping).

Baby chicks are set to hatch in our room next Tuesday. Stay tuned!

Forms went home today for National Aboriginal Day. We will travel to the celebrations at Dovercourt again this year.

The Honouring Ceremony for grade 6's moving on will be on the last Monday of the school year (June 24th). The ceremony starts at approx 8:20, and lasts for just over 2 hours (55 students each walk up, say a few words, and walk back...you do the math). This is meant to be a casual, but respectful event. No suits and ties or fancy dresses are expected from any of the students. Many students will dress no differently than a normal day at school. We would encourage everyone to keep this a relaxed event (but certainly bring cameras). Quite a few years back things got out of hand with hair appointments, fancy dresses, tuxedos, and even one limo. This is only grade 6, not a graduation. 
The afternoon's events on this day have us going to the park for a picnic lunch, and field games/events. We would encouraged everyone to come prepared for the weather, and ready to run and have some fun. Parents are very much welcome to attend, as it will be our last field trip of the year.

And last, but not least, next Wednesday evening all families are invited to attend our annual year end open house. This year we are having our Mystery Island book launch during the open house. Come and check out the stories we have created, and meet the co authors of over 28 short stories. Each story is the work of up to five authors. See how these authors have woven their magic and created tales that will amaze and astound!
In addition, the open house will be a chance for your last student led conference, as well as a chance to take a look at some of our artwork on display. We will round out the evening with a few short videos from this year, and a Uke performance so that they can all show you a bit of what they have learned this year in music.

Hold on tight, it is not a long ride till summer, but it will be an action packed one!
    Regards, Ray

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