Monday, September 23, 2013

Upcoming Trip, and today's homework

Today started off with a lot of energy, since it was our first morning run date.  We will be running regularly on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, so thank you to all of our volunteers who can come out to line the route on those days.  If your child did not run today they can get a form at the office to become part of the run starting Wednesday.
Agendas did not get completed today, but a few items of note are the following....
The Terry Fox Run is this Thursday, from 10:20 to 12:20.  We need volunteers for the walk over and back, and supervision/assistance during the run.
There is a family movie night, run by CASC, this Friday night in the gym.
Our class organized milk orders today.  If you child still wants to get their order in...we can stretch it for one more day.
We have set a date for our bike trip with Room 308.  We will be riding to Parliament Hill on Wednesday, October 9th.  More information will follow, along with a permission form, but basically we will have a bike tune up and safety day on Tuesday, Oct 8th, and the trip on the following day.  The Tuesday will be a science (pullies and gears) activity followed by a bike safety/tune up workshop.  I will be collecting info in the coming days on who may be in need of a bike, or who may need to be in our OC transpo group for the trip.

Students were told to check the blog today for a posting about homework.  Their task is to find the names of products that contain 'glucose-fructose' in their ingredients list.

They should also view the following link and try to remember what at least three vitamins or nutrients do for their health. It not the highest quality video, but it is pretty funny.

Nutrients, and vitamins video

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