Monday, October 7, 2013

Bill Mason WET - lands trip

Our trip to the wetlands went off just as was WET!  Rain aside, we had a great experience, thanks to Ducks Unlimited, who paid for our programming, and contributed to the cost of our bussing.  We enjoyed a walk on the boardwalk through the marshland in Dunrobin, and then got hands on for some critter catching, and identification.  
It was a perfect time for catching all sorts of creatures, but I am sure that the highlights were the wood frogs, peepers, bull frogs, blue salamanders, and the garden snake we found.  Ask your child to tell you how to discern between peepers, and wood frogs...
As an intro to ecosystems, and wetlands, today was a very informative experience for us all.
Needless to say, the wet group who got off the bus was pretty tired after our little excursion.

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