Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Blues in the Schools money, and milk success

I know, what is with all the emails as of late?  Everything just keeps popping up on my desk, so I am trying to deal with them as they come...
The latest thing we are looking through is the Blues in the Schools program.  There was a note that went home to the youngest in each family at Churchill, and I sent a few reminders via email, but it was amid a flurry of Love to Groove, and Canal forms, and Jump Rope this is another reminder.  There are only seven students in the class who have brought in their $4 for Blues in the Schools.  If your child has not yet brought that in, please send it in right away.
Regards, Ray

ps  Just FYI, our class took on the collation of all the school's milk orders, and organized each class' date in the most efficient way I have ever seen in all the years I have had students tallying sub, pizza, hot dog, or any other kind of orders.  Way to go 308!

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