Sunday, June 22, 2014

The final stretch!

This is it!  The last week!  Five days of fun, excitement, and learning.  We will have big year ending activities each day, but unfortunately, Monday will be a bit different because I have to stay home with Arlo, as he has Scarlet Fever.  I will be in Tuesday, and we have some big last day plans for Ben V., so I hope everyone can be there for that day.
Today, in computers, the grade 4's will be visiting the following site do do some exploratory work...

The grade 5's will be visiting this site....

We have had an amazing run this year.  Let's end it strong!
Our class will be organizing the Chalk Fest on Wednesday morning.  If anyone has any extra chalk that they could send in for us, please do so.  
We will be trying to find some time for our Recycled Fashion Show this week.  We hope to video it, and make it available to the parents at home.
Have a great day.

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